West Wyalong Public School

Providing a quality education for all students.

Telephone02 6972 2157


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Key Personnel

Principal - Mrs Victoria Jenkins

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instructional Leader  - Misss Jodi Penfold

Assistant Principal Wellbeing - Mrs April Haub

Assistant Principal Curriculum - Mrs Sherie Brown

Assistant Principal Technology - Ms Chelsea Duiz

Assistant Principal - Mrs Tracy Grimshaw

Administrative Manager - Mrs Susan Haines

Administrative Officers -Ms Anne Barrett and Mrs Lisa Jamieson

Kinder Red - Miss Jodi Penfold & Mrs Laura Bryson

Kinder Blue - Mrs Michelle Whiley

Stage One: 

1-2 Yellow: Mrs Nikki Fealy

1-2 Green: Mrs Melissa Barby

1-2 Purple: Mrs Kirby Colwill & Miss Sophie Simmons

Stage 2: 

3-4 Clover: Mrs Lyndal Shepherd

3-4 Ochre: Mrs Sherie Brown & Mrs Kim Charpentier

Stage 3: 

5-6 Coral: Mrs April Haub (M,T,W,F) and Mrs Tracy Grimshaw (Th)

5-6 Teal: Ms Chelsea Duiz (M,T,W) & Mrs Simone Collins (Th,F)

Galang - Mrs Lee Wiencke (M,T,W) and Mrs Chanel Fing (TH,F)

Library- Mrs Tracy Grimshaw (T,W,F)

Music/Drama - Mrs Kim Charpentier (T,W,F)

LaST - Miss Jess Rowland

Teacher Release - Mrs Emma Dorahy

Community Liaison - Mrs Anna Wheatley (Friday)

School Counsellor - Mrs Nicola Johnston

General Assistant - Mr Ralph Nicolson

School Learning Support Officers

Celeste Harvey

Bec Miller

Jake Jewell

Rowan Duncan

Jenny Nicholson

Marney Jameison

Natalie Coad

Kate Davidson

Laylah Davies

Janae Downey

Jett Milsom

Paige Strudwick

Kaylee Marinkovic

Annabelle Baker